We use homegrown non-gmo popcorn and season with all natural, gluten free, and vegan ingredients. There is no butter or cheese! BjornQorn's special flavor comes from nutritional yeast, which is a high protein and high B-vitamin seasoning that is popular in vegan cuisine, but is especially great on popcorn.
We perfected our signature recipe using the heat of the sun.
At our Kelder's Farm location we began using enormous mirrored reflectors to collect the sun's rays and focus them on our kettles. Now we also have a solar-electric facility just down the road where we continue our original savory recipe and have more plans in the works.

Bjorn is a Minnesota corn farmer's son and Jamie is an artist and inventor. The two met at Bard College, where Bjorn became known for his delicious family popcorn recipe and Jamie for his wild concepts and contraptions. During a historic session of catch in New York's central park, their collaboration was set into motion. Now the two make a cult favorite popcorn and research and experiment with solar power uses in any and every way they can.
What You Need to Know
- Our facility is allergen free. There are no nuts processed in our facility and none in any of our products. We are verified by Snack Safely.
- Our popcorn is typically smaller and crunchier than most commercial popcorn, but not always. Some of the popcorn we pop is certified organic, but the majority is either minimally treated, or uncertified organic. We keep track of all the processes our farmers use and we accommodate them based on the reality of their own livelihoods and farm structures. Keeping it close to home and partnering with small farms is more valuable to us than a corporate certification. You can find out what harvest lot we are using at any particular time by emailing us the flavor and 'best by' date on the front of your bag.
- All of our ingredients are all GMO free. Our popcorn is certified by Project Verified. Our safflower oil is also Project Verified. Our yeast is certified GMO free by BioStar.
- Our plastic bags are only recycled by services like TerraCycle. Do not contaminate your recycling bin with non-rigid plastic (not even compostable)! Our biggest regret is that there is no adequate solution for compostable packaging with high shelf life at this time. We continue to monitor the developments along those lines. For zero waste proponents we are starting to partner with some operations like The Wally Shop. Reach out for more info.
- Our yeast is vitamin fortified. That does mean that it contains synthetic folate (B9). It is the standard formulation for most food co-op stocked nutritional yeasts.
- And how do we get that yeast to stick so well? That is a trade secret :)